Mahabharata; the most epic story from Hindu mythology, whos lessons and messages still fit in today’s modern era, and it will fit in here forever. Now, coming to the share market, can you really imagine lessons of Mahabharata in it? The answer is yes, you can. By observing the epic characters of Mahabharata such as the smart Krishna, the emotional Arjuna, the audacious Draupadi, and the silent Sahadeva, an investor can learn a lot. Not talking about the market play of Mahabharata, we simply mean what you can learn from the various characters of Mahabharata.
Let’s imagine, share market as ‘Kurukshetra’. Not the real one, the field of warfare, but it is the place where daily, on an average of lacks-crores of rupees is transacted and change hands in through the medium of shares. And similarly, Kauravas and Pandavs are opponents of the Kurukshetra(share market), buyer and the seller. Like Mahabharata, everyone thinks whatever they are doing is correct. Everyone is on the lookout for the highest rates, the highest profits, the greatest opportunities. In this Kurukshetra, the fight is not for power, position or wealth- neither for obliterating off each other nor for snatching the wealth and properties of others. No matter there are no Kauravas or Pandavas here, but everyone has his own calculation, permutation, and combination. Everyone has his military arrays, strategic placements.
To understand what kind of investor you are and what is best for you, let us know more about the characters of Mahabharata:
- Draupadi:
The Draupadi kind of investors are insolent we can say. To them, if someone advises something, (s)he gets excited. Although, these types do not leave any scope for others to say while saying anything no matter what. They consider bad things and good things in one standard. Being fickle minded, this type of investors purchase or sell shares infancy, which results in not being practical. These types are highly sensitive and their decisions are volatile which could prove risky for them.
2. Yudhishthir:
The patient one, the one who always follows the ‘Dharm-Marg’. They tend to purchase fundamental scripts only so that they be prepared for the bad times of the future. They do not need to worrying does arise in the future due to his purchasing thus made. But this type of investors often gets into hot soup, of course unwillingly. However, they don’t get perplexed and remain invested for longer periods hoping to have a win-win situation in the coming future.
3. Sahdev:
The calm and shrewd one. Suc investors invest silently without letting their left hand know the moves they make. They invest and get into the profits and losses at very nominal rates from time to time. No bangs, band and loud announcements, only speak when they are asked for. They are not interested in singing songs of their accomplishments. These types have the inklings of which turn the market could take, what is in store in it in the future etc. They do not come into the limelight because of living their lives in a low profile. In the market parlance, these types of investors are considered silent but successful in share market parlance.
4. Bhishma Pithahma:
The over wealthy ones. The one who considers the might of riches and supreme. But it is noteworthy that mastery in wealth is not only the key to success in the share market. The market acumen and intellect of choosing share among the massive lots of healthy and sick shares. Though it is an old saying that money attracts money, but succeeding every time everywhere on the strength of money is not possible. Investments of wealth under a well thought out strategy yield dividends
5. Karna:
This type of investors is capable of being smart. They are drawn to the speculators and fly by night wealth creators because these types don’t have any goodwill or the investing capacity of their own. By staking their investment moves after drawing through the sources of margin trading money or through credits, these types of investors tread on the paths of speculation. They transverse through the paths lead by the wicked persons like Duryodhana and support them too.
6. Duryodhana:
This type of investors only keeps interested in speculating in the market no matter what they personally going through. They just love words like insider trading, circular trading, price rigging or manipulations. They never quit these nasty habits no matter what the consequences are. They are a bit little not disturbed by what they get in return in lieu of their dirty dickering, be that, bad name, ill fame, punishments, pains, troubles, He is though fully aware what he is doing is not right, not as per the rules of laws, against humanity, totally impractical and wholly immoral but even then he prefers walking on the ugly paths. The Duryodhana neither have the patience nor the inclination to make an honest living and lie a quality life. Believing themselves as the most intelligent and most powerful is their biggest problem. These lots apply every trick of the trade to attract wealth from their wealth. Such types of speculators and manipulators have been seen to have been destroyed in the bonfire of the share market in many numbers.
7. Arjun:
The hero investor. These are the ones who are sensitive and god gifted by grasping the rules of the market in operation. But like Arjun was surrounded by problems in his life, they also do. As they get confused with some particular types of shares and start loving the shares too which they must not. That results in their need for advice on investment gurus like Krishna. They out of sheer love towards the scrips under possession ignores the cardinal rules of investment into the share market. In such cases, they immediately understand the missing points also, if somebody arguably tries driving the logic in their heads. The Arjun investors always advise by their guides that when they are asked to purchase, purchase and when asked to sell, then sell, because whatever they are being asked to do lay his own interests.
8. Krishna:
The smartest of all. They are well updated on every move that the market makes. Their ways of investments are the most superior among all the other ways to earn income from the share market. Also, most importantly, like Shree Krishna in Mahabharata, this type of investors knows well the minuses and pluses of every character of Mahabharat. Additionally, the Krishna types of investors in the share market the strengths and the weaknesses of every company’s and its shares.
Of course talking about Kauravas, Pandavas, Shree Krishna, and Kurukshetra is just to make our readers understand better about which quality is to be taken from which character regarding investment and share market. There are of course here nobody likes Kauravas and Pandavas, but everybody has his own permutations and combinations and calculations.