The Indian semiconductor distribution company, Ramakrishna Electro Component Pvt Ltd Group (REC) has launched VTS (Vehicle Tracking System), under UTRAQ brand, which is one of kind Module that will run on Indian Satellite. UTRAQ is an endeavor to replace the currently in use GPS application that is working on US Satellites. UTRAQ is owned by Ramakrishna Electro Component & manufactured by Shanghai Mobiletek.
IRNSS compliance
IRNSS is Govt of India initiative under ISRO. The module is Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) compliant for VTS application. IRNSS User Receiver module is integrated with front-end chipset and embedded high-performance ARM9 processor from the leading chipset manufacturer. It has an internal S RAM, UART, USB, CAN and 10 Bit ADC
The two variants
U-TRAQ launched two models L100 & L110. These are GPS receivers Modules based on IRNSS supported by GAGAN/NaviC signals, designed using L5 and S bands. But in our U-TRAQ GPS receiver Modules are designed for two RF bands: L5 frequency and L1 frequency, the L5 frequency which is NaviC Frequency and L1 frequency which is GPS/GLONASS frequency.
L100 has dual-band patch antennas connected to two RF inputs of the board which receives the signals from the satellite. And L110 designed for use with external Antenna.
Varied Application
The Automotive- vehicle tracking system is the primary focus area as of now. But as their product gains a stronghold on the local market like asset tracking, wearable tracking, fleet management, mobile phone, railways, defense, marine.
We are providing customers with various features of working with L5(IRNSS) band and L1 (GPS and GNSS) band. The major change we are anticipating is that the VTS industry will be changing their designs as in the coming year it will be mandatory from GOI to use IRNSS device.
MD’s Verdict
Managing Director, Rama Krishna Electro Pvt. Ltd. (REC), Mr. Shivang Luthra said, ”India has been a leading market in terms of growth. We wanted to diversify our portfolio and wanted to help the industry with an India firm supporting the customers with an Indian Module. We have been selling modules for a long time but we saw a great market for the chipset like tracking devices, mobile phones, etc. He further added that REC would grow by 100% towards 2021 with the core competence of JIT stock support, financial exposure including an expert team of professionals and be a great power in its core competence. He explained that REC is a name to reckon in the Indian semiconductor distribution and has taken a very imaginative and huge leap to position its strength to expand in technology which is futuristic and will take not only them to a new stature but also promote Make-in-India and ISRO-IRNSS”.