The Central Bureau of Investigation(CBI) has charged BJP legislator Kuldeep Singh Sengar and 10 others for murder in the accident case of Unnao rape survivor. According to the normal procedure, the CBI has taken over the investigation in the accident case from Uttar Pradesh re-registering its case or FIR.
The agency has also alerted its officials, who may visit the accident site and take details from police officials of Gurubakshganj Police Station in Rae Bareli where the accident took place, they said. On Tuesday, the Centre has handed over the investigation to the CBI on the recommendation of the Uttar Pradesh government which had come under severe criticism for failing to provide security to the teen who has alleged that the BJP MLA had raped her.
On Sunday, the car in which the rape survivor, her family, and lawyer were travelling was hit by an over-speeding truck in Rae Bareli, killing two members and leaving her and the advocate critically injured.
The Uttar Pradesh Police on Monday filed a murder case against Kuldeep Singh Sengar and nine others after the rape survivor’s family filed a complaint, alleging “conspiracy” behind the accident.