Prime Minister Narendra Modi turned 69 on Tuesday. As the people across the country celebrated and wished him on his birthday, he was greeted by several leaders as well. The leaders include Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu, Congress president Sonia Gandhi, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh and BJP president and Home Minister Amit Shah.
In his message, Naidu said the nation is making steady progress under Modi’s able leadership. Shah described Modi as a leader with strong willpower and a symbol of decisive leadership and hard work. “Under your leadership, an emerging India has made a mark in the world as a strong, safe and reliable nation,” Shah said on Twitter.
Singh said the Prime Minister has been instrumental in building and strengthening India’s position in the comity of nations. “His visionary leadership has helped India in scaling new heights of glory. I pray for his good health and long life,” the defence ministry tweeted.
Congress president Sonia Gandhi extended her greetings to the Prime Minister. She wished him a healthy, happy and long life. Former Prime Minister and JD(S) supremo H.D. Deve Gowda also wished Modi. “I wish @narendramodi a very happy birthday. May God bless you with good health and prosperity,” he tweeted. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee too extended their greetings.
We wish our dynamic Prime Minister a very happy birthday!